Tag Archives: children



ELUL, The Month of The Search… Praying The Lord’s Prayer IN HEBREW & ENGLISH

LORD, We offer prayer tonight for all those, including ourselves who have endured trouble. We are all standing before you in the midst of trouble now. Enemies are round about us, especially today.

We pray for defense against enemies seen and unseen, known and unknown, we seek Your help against all enemies, foreign and domestic, hidden or revealed, enemies that we see clearly, even the ones that we refuse to see…

We declare our enemies to be placed into a state of rigidity, we decree their weapons dismantled, their loins loosed, and their plans broken and scattered to the ends of the earth.

Search me LORD and try my reins, see if there be any wicked way in me…

Photo by Binti Malu on Pexels.com

We pray for our souls to be at peace, even times when we struggle to be comforted. We pray for those that are troubled, were troubled, feel troubled, for those who are restless, not sleeping, or so troubled that they can not speak…

May we call to remembrance how we use to sing in the night, being clothed in joy and thanksgiving, May we consider the past days filled with Your Glory, and make a diligent search of of our hearts. May each one of us, question our relationship with You… earnestly examine our relationship with Our GOD, during the Month of Elul.

Do we see you as that friend that will never leave us or forsake us? Do we question the favor of our GOD? Have we not seen your mercy and favor and promises come to pass in our life? Are you not better to us than our dearest friend? Do we ask for you to be gracious to us? to be gracious again? to be generous once more in the night and carry our soul to your throne and speak to us once more? and restore our soul every morning?

Photo by Wendy van Zyl on Pexels.com

Forgive us LORD, for every time we questioned Your Faithfullness, Your Dedication to us, to me. For every time I asked for more, when you have given all.
The Heavens were never shut to us, Your tender mercies have never failed to flow toward us. We have shut ourselves off to them through disobedience and every undisciplined, unaddressed character flaw, and yet, once again, I come to you with my prayer request in hand.

Be generous again… tonight LORD. Return my soul in the morning with memories of being at Your Throne, being in Your Presence, sitting at your feet and learning from you.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Fill me with torah dreams…dreams filled with revelation and wisdom and knowledge… I want to spend the night at Your Feet, in Your Council… In Your Classroom!

I decree and declare Your Torah will come to me in the night, Your Wisdom shall Rest upon my head, upon my pillow.

My hands shall be lifted up in prayer, even as I sleep, My Prayers shall go forth even as my soul rest, I shall speak words of healing and restoration over everyone on my prayer list, I shall speak the counsel of GOD, that you taught me, in the ears of my friends,

I shall rehearse Your Word in the atmosphere, while I breathe once more the Breath of Heaven while I sleep. Restore my soul to hear Your Voice as I did in my youth. Restore to me the wisdom of Torah I had in the womb. Give us Psalms to pray in the night and let us awaken with Torah on our lips. Torah thoughts, Torah dreams, Torah Visions.

May we arise tomorrow, Slow in speech, slow to anger, swift to hear and wise of heart.

Photo by Bess Hamiti on Pexels.com

We reclaim our voice in prayer, our rest, our joy, our peace, our vision, our insight, our dreams.

We reclaim the joy of our children, even those unborn. We cast down their spiritual strongholds, every demonic stranglehold and spirit of sabotage that has tried to discourage them, any and all oppressive spirits that have sought to capture their joy and peace and futures, is bound today. Every illegitimate, unauthorized voice in their lives shall become silent. You LORD, shut the mouths of lions, every predatory spirit that tries to speak to them shall stutter in their lies, their tongues shall be cleaved to the roof of their mouths, they shall entangle themselves in their lies, deceptions, every snare they set for our children shall ensnare them instead, we pour oil round about their threshold, their door points and decree and declare the enemy shall not pass their door posts, we anoint our children to pray in their sleep, they shall cast out by prayer every ungodly soul ties, we dispatch our prayers to assist them.

Photo by Snapwire on Pexels.com

They will not be tempted, provoked or lured in by the voice of the enemy. Our children remember the way to The LORDs Sanctuary and shall travel there, even as they sleep.
The Voice of The LORD shall lead them out safely from all darkness and danger, or despair, all the days of their lives.
We Thank You LORD, that You already sent Your Word to bind up every adversary who lays in wait. Nothing shall track or trace them in the spirit realm. We nullify all predatory and stalking spirits. We declare these words into 2021 and beyond.

Photo by James Wheeler on Pexels.com

Every prayer We have ever prayed for them shall arise in their presence, and our GOD, their GOD, shall send them help from the Sanctuary!

They shall arise with the strength to fight the lions and the bears, like David did. They shall arise to slay the lion like Sampson did, and return this time next year to find honey in the carcass. They shall rejoice in the place the enemies tried to attack or blindside them on their path. They shall show up with bread, and turn to call out every uncircumcised phillistine in their valley.

And this will be their 5 smooth stones… our prayers during the Month of Elul, our obedience to GOD, our vow to speak no loshon hara, our love of our neighbor, and our love of our GOD, The Most High.

And ALL OUR PRAYERS will come to pass because we remember the years of the right hand of the most High over us and over our House.

We remember the works of the Lord: surely we will remember thy wonders of old and await Your wonders right now!

We will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.

Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?

Thou art the God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy strength among the people.

You are a Redeemer of the past, the present and the future. You are Worthy to be Praised.

It’s Already Done
