Tag Archives: encouragement


Inspired by “END YOUR YEAR STRONG CONFERENCE” with Dr. Cindy Trimm, December 11, 2021

God gives us here on earth to move deliberately, eliminate the distractions that prevent us from operating in our creative power and purpose in our hearts to take deliberate action to pour into our future tomorrow.

Number your days… Keep the calendar, track your steps, track your progress, do the research, study, read, build… Move each day closer to the future that places you in the position to fulfill your calling and purpose.

Numbers 90:12 “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”

1 Chron 12:32 “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.”


PODCAST “I See Men as Trees, Walking”

Link to Podcast: “I See Men as Trees, Walking” Mark 8:24 Revisited

All mediums above are related to the Reading of this Prayer and blog Post: “I See Men as Trees, Walking…”

“I See Men as Trees, Walking…”

I like to watch men walk. I look to see the purpose in their movement. The intention, which I believe today is called swag. Are they walking with confidence? Are they moving with the grace, dignity and purpose that GOD desires to see within them?

Their steps reveal so much. Commitment, integrity, honor, kindness, dedication, strength, power…

Have you watched a man walk beside his mother and really pay attention to how he walks? There is a care, a pride, a love. A protective quality. Have you paid attention to see how a man walks alongside his wife? There is care, commitment, love, and yes, protection. That’s easily observed by the position in which he places her as they walk. It’s the way he does it, a smoothness. It’s like a covering.

Photo by Teddy Joseph on Pexels.com

Have you noticed how a man walks and positions himself alongside his children? Same qualities, but with a different level of intensity. I would describe it as… more watchful, more observant, vigilant.

man wearing eyeglasses and brown jacket
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

I love to see a man walk with his GOD-given greatness, head held up, confident, assured. In command of his surroundings, comfortable and present-minded. This is not a walk that carries with it arrogance, or pride or self-centeredness. No, this is a walk possessing decisiveness, destiny, direction, strategy.

I am always looking to see if men are walking with the power, with the anointing the Kingdom-Confidence of GOD within them.

But what I do not love is seeing or hearing about any man who has (temporarily) lost or misplaced his ability to walk this earth with distinction, confidence, peace, harmony, or any of the qualities of GOD.

I am praying today for men who have had their walk impaired by betrayal, deceit, manipulation, control, or any of the forms of subtle seduction… mind games perpetrated by predatory spirits.

No more traversing between darkness and light. You will not wear the face of joy, without the truth of joy being realized in your heart. No more mask of contentment, satisfaction, or feigned peace. You shall experience the richness of joy and the pleasant places in GOD. You will understand the joy of the LORD and the pleasant places that He shall bring to you.

I decree and declare that you will arrive back into your place of distinction, your place of strength, power, confidence, destiny, and direction, standing tall amongst the trees. You are moving back into the places and times that you remember, when you were not looking over your shoulder, weary of stalking or lying spirits. You are coming back to a place and a space in your life where you will no longer hear the voices of those that feed themselves on abuse of your kindness, compassion, and capacity for love.

You are walking toward light, toward the day, toward the time, and the place when their voice(s) will no longer be heard in your land. Every step you take will move you further and further away from the noise and pestilence that has been infused into your atmosphere. I call on every intercessor in agreement with this prayer, to come alongside to shut down the manipulation and control of every enemy who has exalted themselves against you, against the GOD in you! We command the voices of the lions that have roared so loudly that you have forgotten the sound of your own voice, to bow down, be silent! You are getting your voice back. The Voice of the LORD has declared it to be so.

Prayer will break the soul ties that seek to bind and constrict your movements in the earth. I decree and declare that you will exalt your voice in prayer and cause every ungodly soul tie to cease and desist their maneuvering for power and control. You shall lift up your voice in prayer and shut the mouth of deception in every lying spirit. Your voice has power and heaven is awaiting your voice. Heaven is awaiting your prophetic decrees and your prophetic declarations dispatching ministering angels to walk alongside you and those you are assigned to lift up, encourage, comfort and to weave them special garments of a prophetic covering.

Did you know, GOD is sending His angels to walk alongside you? They shall be your rearguard to block and stop every demonic attack, that seeks to sneak up from behind you. Let them do their job. Begin today, right now, knowing that every place that the soul of your feet shall tread belongs to GOD, and that He has given the territory to you! You are His son walking in His Kingdom, in kairos moments and places in time. You are the LORD’s inheritance and you have permission to pass through the King’s Land unhindered. No more looking over your should for the next wrong, the next enemy, the next problem, the next situation. I see you moving forward, full of faith and confidence, filled with the Word of GOD, well able to take territory for the Kingdom of Heaven. Angels are assigned to walk with you, every time you call upon the Name of the LORD. You were and never will be alone. To the Glory of GOD you will exercise your Kingdom authority.

You are walking into your place of stature, like the mighty men of David, who prophesied the victory over themselves and over the battlefield. They took territory in the spirit before they ever went to battle. This is the place your voice returns. This will be the place that your strength and confidence returns. This is where your walk returns.

You are the LORD’s man of Distinction, a man of Authority. Accept it. Your prayers are like precious jewels, your faith can move mountains, your vision and dreams are filled with the treasures and strategies of Heaven. Even if you don’t believe me, believe GOD. In the places where you don’t have enough faith for yourself, share mine. On the days when you have no faith, take some of mine. I have left an abundance of my faith, in this prayer. Take it, it’s yours! Rehearse the words of this prayer, Remember it. When you don’t believe in who you are, believe in who GOD says you are in this prayer.

Oppression, depression, anxiety, the voices of self- sabotage, have called you by the name, Mephibosheth. But you are no longer lame on your feet. You were never supposed to be. Never again are you allowed to be! Never again, will you give yourself permission to be. GOD has said, “Enough!” You are commanded to Arise Man of GOD, take your place and return to the Kingdom.

Prophecy to yourself today, starting today! What is your vision man of God? What do you see? and do not come back and tell me that you do not see anything… GO BACK AND LOOK AGAIN! Until you see what GOD sees… until you see what GOD is sending… until you see things, as He sees it! Go back and look again, until that Gehazi spirit in you bows down. Command it to bow down. It has to obey.

Your voice matters. It is the missing key. Be humble, be teachable, be yielded, submit to the authority of GOD, be still, be taught, be instructed, be patient, be silent (for quite sometime) and let your prayers do the talking! Be established man of GOD. Become a student of prayer, study the protocols of prayer and prophecy. Master in Heavenly Protocol and Planning.

I call you back into the Kingdom of GOD in your authority. You are needed. We have no desire to continue without you.

I don’t care who lied to you, who discouraged you, who broke your heart, who threw stones at your destiny… their reign is over. They always lied, and never did they have any power in heaven or in earth. They had to convince you that you had none, in order for them to thrive. That time is done! I speak that your walk is returning within you. Strength is coming back to your legs. You have your swag back, your identity in GOD is back.

Your walk signifies direction, destiny, power, strength, integrity, honor, vision, dreams, strategy, answers. You are dangerous, man of GOD. Solutions arrive with you when you walk in the room. You are carrying answers, remedies, strategies. You are a problem solver. You are a man of order, destiny and distinction. The enemy is trembling right now for fear that you will walk in all the words of this prayer.

Today is your new day! Today, you have the power, you call the shots!

Decree and Declare your way back home!

For the Sons of the Most High GOD, I see men as trees, walking!

Mark 8:22-26, Matthew 8:9, 2 Samuel 4:4,

See Podcast For Connection to the Live Reading by Author


SEPTEMBER 27TH – DAY OF ATONEMENT – on the 10th Day of the Year 5781

Reorient Yourself, Return, Recover, and Reposition Yourself for A New Beginning…

The Book of Jonah is one of my most favorite Books of the Bible. Probably because it’s so misunderstood.

In a few Christian circles, the Book of Jonah is often thought about as a biblical fairytale, a bible story of sorts. Jonah in the belly of the whale, building a fire and camping out until he decided to take up the mission he was asked to perform and GOD released him.

But there is much more to this teaching…

On Yom Kippur, the Book of Jonah is read in order to help us reorient ourselves back toward GOD. It is a splendid tool to help us reassess and reevaluate where we are spiritually. Are we on board with the things of GOD or just giving lip service?

Are we willing to follow the plan of GOD, or just do the pieces and parts of the job that suits our sensibilities? Just how much dying to self are we prepared to do?

The world may show little love toward us and our loved ones, the world is harsh and can be so very difficult and destructive… but are we still willing to love the world despite all of the wrongs that have been done to us?

Spiritually, what happens when we blame GOD for the ills of the world? Is there any damage? What happens spiritually, to us and/or the world, when we disobey GOD?

Jonah’s one act of obedience was able to save a nation. How much more, could our one act of disobedience, deny salvation to the nations?

What if you are your brother’s keeper?

Tomorrow, please read these 4 chapters in the Book of Jonah and mediate on the WORD. Examine the Book again in light of these questions above & below and discover a brand new depth of knowledge about yourself and the Book of Jonah.

  • How was Jonah introduced to us in scripture?
    • How did Jonah introduce himself to the men aboard ship with him?
  • How do you think GOD would introduce you to the world?
    • How would you introduce yourself?
    • Have you ever introduced yourself by your spiritual identity to anyone?
    • Have you ever considered it?
  • What was the turning point for Jonah? What made him decide to come up out from the belly of the whale?
  • What makes you decide to come back from a crisis?
  • Have you ever made camp in a bad situation? A situation of your own design or created by your own decision?
  • What fueled Jonah’s transition from the whale, and back into the world?
    • How did Jonah make it back?
    • Was Jonah ever in the belly of a whale?
  • Is there any point in time in the message that you detect that Jonah’s soul is in Jeopardy?
    • Remember Rule #1: Always keep your eyes on what is happening to the soul.
  • Is it alright for GOD to forgive those that you have not forgiven?
    • or to forgive those who you refuse to forgive?
    • Should GOD only forgive those that you feel are worthy of forgiveness?
  • If you were a prophet of GOD like Jonah, and GOD asked you to go to your worse enemy (the person or persons that have done you the greatest damage) in order to give them a Prophetic Word from Him, how long would do you think it would take you to comply?
    • I would do it immediately, without question; It would take me a few days… ; It would take me a while… ; or I don’t see myself doing it at all…
  • Who are you most reluctant to forgive?
    • Think personally, communally, globally
  • Have you forgiven those that have done you the most harm? Are you willing to?
  • Do you believe that unforgiveness damages the soul?
    • What damage can unforgiveness do to a soul?
    • What has unforgiveness done to your soul?
    • What damage did you see happening to Jonah?
  • How would it affect you if your mortal enemy heard the Word of GOD and responded with greater faith than your own people? or even you?
  • How would it affect you if your mortal enemy heard you preaching the Word of GOD and knew GOD was speaking, inspite of your resentment toward them?
  • What reason could there possibly be for GOD to extend blessings and opportunity for life,
    • to those that oppress you?
    • to those that have hurt you? or to those that have power over you?
  • Should you plead the cause of the unrighteous?
  • In the end of the Book, Jonah found himself in a place where he refused to forgive. The Assyrians had committed such atrocities to his people, he could not muster an ounce of love for this neighbor.
    • Do you only love the loveable?
    • Are you capable of having compassion on the unloveable?
    • How best can you demonstrate love for the unlovely?
  • We say/teach that GOD is love and that our faith is built on love… GOD says if we love Him, we must walk in love with others…
    • What must die/live in us for us to walk in love with those that hate us without a cause?
    • Is it possible to have enough compassion for those that hate us or mistreat us, that we can still minister to them the Word of GOD, in such a way that they will only see Him? Hear Him? Respond to His Word?
  • Does the prophet of GOD need salvation?
    • Or just the enemies of GOD?
  • Does the prophet of GOD need one time salvation?
    • or ongoing salvation?
  • Jonah realized that he was just unwilling to forgive the Assyrians?
    • What damage did he do to his own soul?
  • What do you think caused the Assyrians to hear the prophet of GOD, and believe the Word he spoke and turn toward GOD?
    • What will it take for your enemies on earth to look past you and actually hear the Word of GOD?
  • In the beginning of the book, Jonah sat down in the belly of a “prophetic” whale… in the end of the book, Jonah sat down under a gourd.
    • Jonah is delivered from the whale, but not the gourd. Why? What’s the distinction between the two?
    • In the end, did Jonah lose his salvation?
    • Was Jonah so resentful and so angry with GOD for having brought the Word of deliverance and redemption to his enemy that he could not move forward anymore?
  • Is GOD allowed to forgive your enemies?
  • Is it possible that Jonah could only follow GOD so far, and no further?
    • Was Jonah only willing to follow GOD as long as he agreed with His Choices?
    • or as long as he (Jonah) was serving those that he wanted to serve?
  • What damage will unforgiveness, anger, resentment, disappointment, etc do to your soul?
  • Why do you think Jonah would not repent of his spiritual condition and move forward?
  • What has the power to stop you from releasing your burdens to GOD and asking for forgiveness?
  • Who is entitled to the Word of GOD and His forgiveness?
    • …only those that you approve of?
    • or can GOD offer forgiveness to whomever He sees fit, without your pre-approval?
    • Do all the nations belong to GOD, or just the ones we like?
  • What is the one thing that can restore your soul back to its perfect spiritual condition??

These are just some of the questions the arise from the Book of Jonah. GOD provided answers to them all, in 4 brief, yet all inclusive chapters.

I urge everyone who reads this post, to take the time tomorrow and re-read the book of Jonah for the answers that are on the page and inside of you. After all, you are a living epistle of GOD.

What shall the Spirit of GOD write about you next year?

What shall you write of GOD & Man next year?

Don’t Allow This Year to be Sealed in Unforgiveness… The Choice is Yours Alone!

Related Posts:

PSALM 27: for September 27th, YOM KIPPUR

SUNDAY, September 27th, 2020 (5781) is Holy Ground! Yom Kippur has been separated and consecrated just for you.

What if there were just one day a year that the LORD wanted to rehearse your deliverance in the ears of and in the sight of the enemy! A day GOD wanted to remind the enemy of who you are to HIM? A day that would set the tone for your whole entire new year?

Would GOD Set Aside One Day Each Year to Remind You, the entire Spirit Realm and The World at Large, that You Are Holy Unto Him?

What if there was one day in the entire year, one day in 365 days, where Your Heavenly Father set an appointment with you for deliverance?

Not a day to debate whether or not you are already saved, sanctified and delivered, but something more…

If there was one day a year, that GOD would absolutely forbid any accusations whatsoever to be leveled against you?

One day each year that GOD accepts your heart felt repentance. A day above and beyond all the legalities of our faith and all the justified claims against us?

What if there was one day in the entire year that the accuser of the brethren had no right to speak up at all, and he knew it. One day so holy, that the LORD refuses to hear any accusations, charges, judgements whatsoever, no criticisms of you of any kind…. Would you step into that day?

Yom Kippur is that day. That set apart day… above all other days of the year… a divine appointment, in which GOD would wake you up and greet you with words, so sweet as to say…

“I know the thoughts that I think toward you, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

God only requires that we proclaim His Holy Seasons.

Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders You have done, and the plans You have for us–none can compare to You– if I would proclaim and declare of them, they are more than could be numbered.

Every day of the year, but one… ha’satan seeks to cast accusations against you, to find fault, to kill, steal and destroy, even your very name and reputation before GOD.

On Yom Kippur, One day per year, that is so Holy before GOD, the enemy has no voice, no right, no standing to accuse, ridicule, or cast judgements.

On Yom Kippur, all charges are dropped in the Heavenly Court, all evil decrees are annulled.

Psalm 27 for Sunday, September 27th — the Day of Atonement

Proclaim this Day as Your Divine Appointment… Holy Unto the LORD

The Lord is my light (Rosh Hashana) and my salvation (Yom Kippur); whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of ; of whom shall I be afraid

When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.

Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this (ha’zote) will I be confident.

One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.

For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.

And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord.

Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.

When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek.

Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.

10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.

11 Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.

12 Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.

13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

14 Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

This third I will bring through the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on My name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are My people,’ and they will say, ‘The LORD is our God.'” Zechariah 13:9

AMEN & Amen

Related Posts:

PSALM 32 and 30: YOM KIPPUR Prayer (in advance)

Jeremiah 29:11

Psalm 40:5


A Year of Producing the Best Fruit!

This New Year is quite unlike the others. It’s quiet, a little subdued and socially distant than ever before. I hope we have arrived in 2021 wiser, with greater understanding and knowledge. I trust we will apply them well, with empathy, love and compassion.

We enter this year with constraints and boundaries. However, we shall always pursue our first estate.. to bless and to be a blessing to others. When it’s in our power to do good, we shall do it! In this realm, we have no constraints, no restrictions, no boundaries.. We shall be in a state of 365 days of spiritual growth and improvement.

May we pick up the mantles that have fallen to the ground. Some we may have abandoned, some we missed and let fall, and others we dropped along the way.

I pray we stay focused on being and bringing answers into the world. We need them. We are so much stronger and creative when we put our minds together.

I pray for our vision this year to become sharper than ever before.

This year shall be kind to us. We shall prosper and grow inspite of, and because of the difficulties we face. We shall recover all and take new territory as we go!

After all, Overcoming is What We Do!


Note: Although our worldly sense of time puts us in 2021 in January… The Biblical Calendar advances us into GOD’s New Year effective today, the first day of 5781. I consider that 3-4 months advance notice ahead of the world!

Plant the seeds of prosperity early.

Always move forward knowing that the people of GOD, prosper first in the spiritual, then in the natural.

May You Each Reap a Bountiful Harvest in 5781.


Rosh Hashanah 5781 – Dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High

Rosh Hashanah September 18, 2020 is The Beginning of Your Sacred Journey into 5781. How excellent is it that we usher in the Eve of Rosh Hashanah with Psalms 91!

September 17th: READING & PRAYING PSALMS 91-97



He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

Terror (pakh-ad) is disaster, We chose to fill our hearts with faith instead of fear. It’s a choice.

The arrow divides (khaw-tsats), and cuts in two.

Attacks are design to divide and conquer, husbands from wives, brother from sister, friend from neighbors, on every imaginable platform.

GOD says not to operate in fear. In fact, ‘fear not’ appears

Biblegateway.com shows us that the words, ‘fear not’ appears 170 times in the KJV.

The concept of fear is addressed over 500 times.

GOD is very serious about us NOT operating in the spirit of fear!

Fear disrupts our peace and impairs our ability to flow in the things GOD. Fear produces torment and manifest in faulty thinking.

Fear paralyzes, solves absolutely no problems and births out bigger giants that are much harder to fight than fear itself.

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18

“Shouldn’t I be worried, or afraid?”

Our level of love will only take us so far. Let difficulty arise, hardship in relationships, distress, pain, conflict, etc. and relationships of every kind are in danger of crumbling. It takes another level of love to get through it.

Love can only be made perfect through a relationship with GOD. We can hit a brick wall, operating in our level of love, and cry out, “I’m done!” The quality of love is so fragile, when handled with unskilled hands and limited by our own thoughts, ways and devices.

Once we hit a wall with our capacity to love… we are done. It takes the love of GOD in you to help you break through the walls and move forward. This is called dying to self…

When you’re sick of love, tired of love, broken by love, have no more love left inside you, anywhere… only the love of GOD can break you out of this cycle.

This is how you will know…

that you have been made perfect in GOD’s Love...

Should you ever have to endure a future crisis (GOD forbid), but if you do, another problem, complication, situation, instead of being afraid, you will find instead, that you can’t find any fear in you. You will search yourself for fear, and won’t find any at all.

Let’s start over…

Psalm 91

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

pestilence (words that speak forth death & destruction, words that are like a plague to your spirit, speech that operates like a plague, words that cut off, destroy…)

waste (devastate, ruin, deals violently with…)

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

Christians are quick to rejoice over grace and being free from commandments. But it’s observing and obeying GOD’s commandments that bring for the blessing. Yes, we are saved by grace. But in the present state of our enjoyment of grace, we have done more harm to our soul because we operate (as a community as a whole) in a constant state of privilege and disobedience.

We love to claim grace as if that absolves us of our behavior problems. Grace with no rules of behavior is dangerous.

The commandments show us how to get back to GOD and holiness. When we face ourselves in the mirror and deal with all of our compromise and complacency, we need a few commandments to reorient, retrain our spirit — we need discipline.

An undisciplined spirit, a spirit that makes excuses for our behavior- needs a few commandments to get back on the right track.

Some want to argue denominational teachings and legalism. This is not going to help a spiritual ailment. GOD is not denominational. Man invented that to separate, cut off, limit, prohibit, segregate, beliefs and create further distance between mankind. (I know this is radical, but bear with me).

I said before… as you study the WORD of GOD…to keep your eyes on what is happening to the soul. Our legalistic and separatist attitudes are corrupting our souls, and our world.

We see the damage in the world, but we act as if our souls are unharmed. They are not.

We are spiritual creatures first. We just can’t keep that in the forefront of our brains and go outside and live with each other.

Don’t Fear a Commandment, Embrace them. Grace will still be there. It’s more important to get our spirit in line with the image and likeness of GOD.

This is a personal spiritual soul searching issue, not a denominational one.

Love thy neighbor is the culmination of the commandments, the torah, the teachings, etc.

But if we have no sense of direction in how to accomplish that, the commandments are invaluable guideposts. i.e., don’t sever your connection with the erroneously labeled, “Old Testament”, The torah, the Hebrew Scriptures are LIFE and GODLINESS. There is nothing OLD or outdated in them.

12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

Draw Closer to GOD and He will Draw Closer to You.

Tomorrow is the Eve of Rosh Hashanah. GOD’s New Year. GOD said to proclaim it throughout your generations, before there was such a thing as denominations. All our work in prayer means nothing, if we still enter the New Year according to GOD’s Calendar, with the same old attitudes and behaviors we came into the year with last year.

The Church has so much power to transform!

ELUL, is about Elevation and Transformation. Transcend denomination… transform your denomination into inclusiveness, kindness, forgiveness, love, oneness with GOD and Man.

Our faith is for everyone, our prayers are for everyone, our love is for everyone.

I know how hard it is to love the lovable and the unloveable. I have my issues too. I can be perfectly holy all day, as long as I don’t go outside, don’t talk to anyone I meet, and don’t take any phone calls.

Once I walk outside those doors, holiness is quite the challenge. Without a prayer life and a relationship with the LORD, only self would be with me on the other side of that door… and that is not a good idea.

Whatever you decide, know that I am praying for you and your household and will all year long. I speak blessings over all the nations that are represented on this blog, and those who are not. I give thanks for your lives.

As I pray for you this year, I will call you each by one name… aw’nah

It means to answer, to respond, to pay attention, to testify, to give account, to witness…

We were all created to be an answer in the earth. I pray we save, raise and nourish as many answers as we can.

I pray that we each bring solutions and benefits to each other. I pray we honor GOD in every conversation and every interaction. I pray that we lead with compassion, empathy and love.

LORD, I speak to the next 365 days, may they serve the people of GOD and lead your people to salvation. May we each walk on the high places of the earth, may we be in constant remembrance that we are spirit first, then flesh. May our spirits rule over our flesh this year as never before, and cause us to build, edify and encourage each other. May GOD rule above our legalistic mindsets (wherever that remains in us) and may we each set GOD’s WORD, His Way and His Thoughts above all the traditions of man. May we cast off and cast down all shackles that limit, divide, cause adversity, cast down all destructive words, language and thoughts.

May we each serve the One True GOD of Love, Kindness, Compassion, Empathy, Healing and Hope…

May we each strive to excel in at least One aspect of Your Character and Nature this Year!

I chose healing through prayer.

AMEN & Amen.

  • WELCOME TO Rosh Hashanah!

ELUL, THE 28th DAY OF PRAYER ~~ GOD look upon the Face of Your Anointed…

Remember me, O my God, for good! Neh. 13:31

September 16th: READING & PRAYING PSALMS 84-90



How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lordof hosts!

To truly be content and at peace, human beings find fulfillment in the presence of GOD.

My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.

Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King, and my God.

It’s human nature to return to the place where you have kept those things most precious to you. Where do you keep those things that are most precious to you? And those treasures that were born out of your relationship with GOD… Where do you go to find them? Where do you go to connect with GOD again? to be close to Him again? Where are the treasures that you nurtured in your relationship with GOD?

Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah.

Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the ways of them.

Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools.

The valley of Baca is the valley of thorns… There in that dry place you will dig deep until water is found! Until the anointing breaks forth! There is adversity on the path to find GOD. You will encounter it. Anticipate resistance. Overcome it, and your blessings will be cloaked by the rain… expect the abundance of rain…

They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.

Adversity only makes you stronger… sharper, purer…better… You are well able to take the territory… each day you draw closer to GOD, closer to His image and likeness, each day you take on His character and nature, each day you embrace humility, kindness, compassion, each day that you do whatever good, that is in your power to do.

O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O God of Jacob. Selah.

Look daily for the MESSIAH to appear in your life… in your circumstances… Invite the spirit of GOD into every hard place, dry place, or good place… expect His arrival daily… be consciously aware of His Presence. Orient yourself toward the presence of GOD daily… You will hone your expertise in these matters and reap bountiful spiritual rewards.

Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed.

10 For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

GOD will provide the Good, and Good will overtake you on the way that you go.

12 O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.

May you live.. produce and reproduce life… life that contains the potential to produce more life.. May the seed that is in itself, produce seed after it’s own kind… Good seed.. that nourishes and lives to inspire others to create something, unique… something better than ever before…

Fruit is being gathered all the time, not just fruit here on earth, but spiritual fruit… Your fruit is being placed in baskets and being presented before the LORD. Fruit that is large, vivid, surreal and exquisitely perfect. Your spiritual fruit is being harvested, inspected for quality, character, nature and sound—ness. May GOD give you an understanding mind (a.k.a, a hearing heart) to hear and discern between the good and the evil (1 Kings 3:9).

I pray that you reap a bountiful harvest this season!

AMEN & Amen.