Praying the Psalms…

With Just 7 Psalms a Day …. We heard the testimony and beheld with our own spirit, the blessing that came to others because many of us stood the watch, kept our consecration and we prayed in unity; one body, one heart, one mind, one spirit in January…

What Will February Bring in the Lives of Others When We All Stand The Watch This Month?

Let’s make it happen!

  • For those joining us from the many nations, you are welcome to send me an email with your top 3 names of those you are requesting prayer for. Send 1st Names Only (for their privacy).
  • No background history is needed. Just a 1st Name.
  • No need to tell us the situation or circumstance. Just a 1st Name.
  • Keep the rest of the names of those you are praying for in your personal prayer time with the Psalms. We are all agreeing with each other together and they will be covered by faith.
  • Assess the highest need for yourself and send those 1-3 names. Use the Comments button or RSVP.
  • We are speaking the Psalms OUTLOUDINTO THE ATMOSPHERE… We are taking them out of 1st person singular and speaking them in 3rd person plural – to cover others, to cover all those who are crying out to the LORD….
  • Together, with our voices in prayer, we are sending the Body of Christ help from the Sanctuary. Help is Coming! Amen. And All our prayers will be on time. Amen.
  • You don’t have to complete all 7 Psalms in the same sitting. You can split them up as you need to throughout the day. The only thing that matters is to get them done.
  • It does not matter what time. We are all in different places in different time zones. Speak the Psalms out loud in prayer as you are able.
  • Everyone is welcome to join us in the Fast if able. If you can’t that’s OK. It’s not time yet for you to fast. Many of us will be fasting, but if you are unable that is fine. Consider a fast that has nothing to do with food. If you haven’t done something healthy for yourself, like walking… take a 10-minute walk each day and speak the Psalms out loud… be creative. If you watch too much TV, fast the TV. If you are on Social Media too much and you know it.. fast Social Media…. sacrifice something that will cause you discomfort. It might just be a cup of coffee, but if it causes you to have to restrain yourself from doing it… I think it qualifies. Amen. Just keep your word to yourself and fast that particular thing. So in essence, this can also reveal to each of us, if we will even keep our word to ourselves. Amen.

Let your voice be heard at the Altar of Incense.


Pray as if Your Life depended upon Your voice in Prayer!

Expect the phenomenal….


Today, February 2nd we continue where we left off in January, with Psalm 132, The Psalm of Ascent. How perfect is that?

It’s time to ascend….


Went back and placed children’s names in the Royal Apparel of Purple ink, Speak a special emphasis on their covering of protection, prophecy breakthrough, destiny, they shall be an answer in the earth, they shall bring forth solutions, the world is in need of your solutions, ideas, witty inventions, you are here to build and not tear down, to resolve a matter, you are negotiators, solution oriented, problem solvers, readers, investigators, seers, hearers, visionaries, creating new colors, lifting burdens, removing limitations, in Sync with the Spirit of God in the Earth. Amen.

My granddaughter asked about the people that you pass by, and you can look at them and see… knowing they need prayer, but you don’t know their names… how do we include them?

So, I made a reminder on the list for “The Unknown Name.” We are covering everybody, hidden in plain sight, everybody passing by anonymously, but we can see pain, hurt, devastation, secret pain… we’re binding every lying suicidal spirit, every spirit of sabotage, depression, we cast out vain imaginations… We are praying for you to have divine encounters, divine interventions, a Word from the LORD, that only you recognize must be coming from Him, because flesh and blood could not reveal it to you… Give your servants a Word for the lost, the broken, the lonely, the hurting… anoint my granddaughter to be one of your servants, to see behind the mask the people wear, to see the truth, to see beneath the surface, and be that servant, to give them a Word from the LORD, a Word that retrieves them from behind enemy lines. (Feb 5, 2023)

Pray for those who you do know, even those who never ask for prayer. Pray for those that support you and the things that give you purpose, and over the things that give them purpose. Surround them with prayer… before they even need it, Amen? (Feb 6, 2023)