Introducing… TalkTorahToMe.Cafe

A Special New Series I am introducing for my students containing brief insights regarding scripture passages that cross our paths during individual study times that can be shared and may be beneficial with all students.


I especially like this example found in Psalms 110:4 which does quite a few things:

  • It demonstrates that passages we have read for years in the customary translations say much more than what we first thought they said… or much more than we were first taught.
  • There are so many gems to be found beneath the pages of scripture that a literal (p’shat) reading of the text will never reveal.
  • The depth of historical information that is often glossed over a fable, myth or impossibility..are actual fact with sign and manifestations that exist in the world today, we just aren’t aware of them.
  • The tendency some might have to relegate what seems impossible on the surface to our special internal compartments of faith (“I believe GOD anyway!”) is nice and sweet and beautiful… but completely unwarranted. GOD has just been Completely Amazing for a very long time! So much so that Faith isn’t even required, it’s just true!

Why do we need to know these particular facts about Melchizedek?

#1. Oftentimes we can present new information to our study groups that some students will invariably want to dispute or have multiple question with, for instance discovering that ancient commentaries reveal to us that Shem was born circumcised. “How do we know?”, “Where does it say that in the Bible?”, What does it mean?”, “Why does it matter?”

The 1st two questions I’ll answer right now. There are many facts in the scripture that are not spoken of multiple times, or proved int he sense that we may want proof. They don’t have to be.

There is no reason to dispute information such as “Shem was born circumcised” simply because we only have to look at what occurs in the world today. Our evidence is in today.

Mechizedek was born spiritually advanced, embracing the priesthood of GOD. Some say he misspoke and caused his priesthood to pass to Abraham because he was not careful with his words. That’s one possibility.

More intriguing to me, is that the verse doesn’t even say, “after the order of, or after th manner of” that’s poetic spin.

The verse actually reads, “Upon/after the Word of My Righteous King, a.k.a Melchizedek”

Whether the Angel of the LORD came and spoke these words (prophecied) unto Abraham on behalf of Our Righteous King, or YHVH (Adonai) came and prophecied these words by way of Melchizedek to Abraham…

The Priest of GOD passed his mantle to Abraham by prophetic utterance and Abraham caught it! Words ordained by GOD for you to speak, move faster than the speed of thought! This was not a ninety year old man talking to another ninety year old man. 400+ years in the LORD, Melchizedek was not a novice given to mishaps in prophetic utterance.

A 90 year old man in the LORD is not a novice, let alone a Man of GOD 400+ years in the LORD, in a time when the Glory of GOD was closer in the earth than today.

Besides, have you even known a healthy 90 year old man not to say what he means? Is that even possible?

Abraham was well qualified for the Priesthood, out of all those in his bloodline. (Genesis 11) and Melchizedek was sharp as a tact! He lived long enough to see Abraham & Isaac through their lifetimes, and to know Isaac’s sons.

Who has GOD sent to cover your lifespan with His Word? To call those things that be not in your life? To cover you while you travel the path of destiny? May they proclaim you to be the seed of Abraham, by the Word of My Righteous King!
