Tag Archives: Hebrew word studies

ELUL, I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine..

Just for a moment, let’s take a closer look at the Hebrew Word, ELUL.

Below is an excerpt from Biblehub.com; the Interlinear translation of Psalms 6:3.

In Song of Solomon 6:3, we have the beautiful verse, ah’knee luh-doe’dee vuh’doe’dee lee

meaning: I am of My Beloved and My Beloved is Mine

This Month on the Biblical Calendar is called ELUL…

ELUL, is written with four Hebrew Letters, aleph (A) – lamed (L)- vav (U)- lamed (L) (The Aleph carries an E sound). Ref: see the snapshot of Song 6:3 above, the first letter starting form the right is the Hebrew letter aleph).

Much like using an Internet acronym or text abbreviation, ELUL is a type of Hebrew acronym for the words: Ah’nee Luh-doe’dee Vuh’doe’dee Lee

The 1st letters in each Hebrew word in that phrase spell the name of the Biblical Month we are in right now… The Month of Elul

This offers us a beautiful picture with prophetic symbolism. In this we can see the connection to GOD in prayer that resides in this Month, devoting time in prayer and study, to the lover of our soul. An personal time of relationship and fellowship with GOD.

ELUL is the month on the Biblical Calendar dedicated to the search we conduct within our own soul to cleanse out all the clutter and evaluate our own actions so that we can come before GOD in earnest and rededicate ourselves to Him.

So, every time you hear yourself pronounce the word, ELUL (which I have plastered all over this BLOG, you are engaging in sweet prophetic shorthand saying, “I am my beloveds and my beloved is mine!

That’s an AMEN.